
At 网易彩票下载 we are committed to an academically rigorous education that prepares students for an increasingly complex, global, 多元文化的世界. Through our curriculum we seek to carefully investigate the critical issues of our time and offer thoughtful and Christian insight to these issues. 

Our faculty and staff are committed teachers and learners, dedicated to mentoring students through both curricular and co-curricular experiences. We are convinced that education best occurs within a relational context between the teacher, student, and subject matter. We therefore prize the relationships among faculty, staff, and students. 

网易彩票app致力于 holistic and transformative student experience where each student has multiple opportunities for spiritual, physical, emotional, vocational and character development. Our student life offices and organizations, 居住生活项目, student leadership, 大学的部门, 留学办公室, and athletics partner with our faculty and academic units to provide a variety of learning opportunities in rich learning environments. 

Our curriculum

网易彩票下载 is a comprehensive university that offers a liberal arts education grounded in the Christian faith. This education is one that empowers students to live in a complex, diverse world by:

  • 提供多种机会 for intellectual and personal development.
  • Developing skills in critical and analytical thinking; problem solving; communication; and the ability to apply those skills in real-world settings.
  • Emphasizing broad knowledge of humanities, arts, social sciences, sciences, 定量推理.
  • 不断增长和深化专业知识 在一个特定的兴趣领域. 

We offer 70 majors and 67 minors across the humanities, arts, social sciences, STEM (science, technology, 工程与数学), and professions such as nursing and education. The SPU curriculum requires that all students complete at least one major field of study along with their General Education requirements.  

The General Education program has two different tiers. 第一层是 Common Curriculum, which provides common intellectual experiences for students. 共同课程包括:

  • 大学学术讨论会 completed in the first quarter at Seattle Pacific.
  • Two academic inquiry and writing classes 第一年就完成了.
  • Three University Foundation courses, where students study and reflect on the Christian life, Scriptures, and Christian theology.
  • Two Core courses that examine the intersections of Christian faith with contemporary society and thought.

Through courses in the second tier of the General Education program, the 研究性课程, students learn to understand the world through study in the humanities, the arts, social sciences, sciences, 定量推理. These courses provide an opportunity to apply new-found knowledge to current issues and problems.

Our curriculum is planned and taught by the SPU faculty. We employ 201 regular teaching faculty members with advanced degrees and professional qualifications in their respective disciplines. They are committed to teaching excellence and student success. 

Because we believe that academic growth is best fostered in a relational context, many of our classes are conducted in learning environments that encourage collaborative and active learning. To further strengthen relationships, our professors also serve as academic advisors to our students.

Core Themes

Our Core Themes frame our educational goals for our students and are directly derived from our 大学使命宣言. 这些核心主题如下:

  • 学术卓越与相关性
  • Transformative and Holistic Student Experience
  • Vital Christian Identity and Purpose



Meet the SPU leadership — including the president, provost, vice presidents, and Board of Trustees.